
Joint Matching Grant Fund (MGF) call for application ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) and Market Oriented Value Chain for Job and Growth in ECOWAS region (MOVE) – Rice mills

Date de publication :
Friday, 26 July 2024
Submission deadline:


Joint Matching Grant Fund (MGF) call for application ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) and Market Oriented Value Chain for Job and Growth in ECOWAS region (MOVE) – Rice mills

The transformation through strong Rice Business Linkages

The ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) and MOVE-CARI wish to announce a call for proposals for support from their Rice Matching Fund concept. The Matching Fund is a co-funding mechanism for engaging private sector enterprises to co-invest in activities that strengthen the rice value chains in West Africa. There are two different funding streams from ERO and GIZ MOVE-CARI respectively, and potential applicant will be able to apply for ONLY one in this round of call.

All ECOWAS Rice Observatory (ERO) National chapter are invited to apply for the ERO funding stream, and Partners from Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Senegal are invited to apply for GIZ MOVE-CARI funding stream, either individually or as part of a consortium. Please see the Matching Fund Application Guidelines for more details on what support is available, who is eligible and the application process.

Private sector organizations from the rice value chain can apply for support and should have a strong interest in the vision to progress towards cost-competitive, cost-effective, sustainable, and nutritious rice self-sufficiency in West Africa through:

  • Increased productivity and quality of paddy rice
  • Increased efficiency of local rice sourcing, processing, and marketing; and
  • Improved commercialization of rice and its by-products.

This Matching Fund call is focused on rice value chain to be transformed through strong business linkages and competitive at each segment of the chain.

Note that this is a multi-stage application process, and proposals from all countries will be reviewed simultaneously. Initially, all applicants are required to submit a short proposal (template provided separately and available to download on and/or and, for those applying as part of a consortium, a letter of intent (template provided separately and available to download  and/or signed by all members of the consortium.

Applicants should submit these documents to or All required documents must be submitted no later than 23 August 2024: applications received after this deadline will not be considered for support from the Matching Fund.

If you have any questions regarding the Matching Fund or the application process, please reach out to the ERO team directly via and CARI team via