At the end of PRAPS-1, which achieved significant progress in relation to most of the issues relating to animal health, sustainable management of rangelands and pastoral resources, livestock trade, and prevention and management of pastoral crises, the Wor
West Africa is facing three major challenges: (i) structural food and nutritional insecurity, (ii) the effects of climate change (droughts, aridity, floods, etc.), (iii) salinization and physico-chemical degradation of agricultural land.
Maintenance/repair of vehicles, refrigeration/air conditioning, IT equipment, office furniture, generator maintenance, sanitation, plumbing, electricity, joinery, construction and painting,
Vehicle hire,
Provision of hostess service,
Building maintenance and cleaning,
Translation and interpreting services (English, Portuguese, French),
Interpretation equipment hire,
Design/publishing of documents and various communication media.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), one of the regional economic communities of the African Union, was established on 28 May 1975. It comprises the following fifteen (15) Member States: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
The ECOWAS Commission has several agencies and external offices set up as a Pool to implement its activities, including the one in Lomé, Togo, which comprises the Permanent Representation, the Infrastructure Project Preparation and Development Unit (PPDU), the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF) and Information Technology Services (ITS).
The ECOWAS Commission, through its Services Pool in Lomé, invites interested organisations to express their interest in providing the services described above.
This Call for Expressions of Interest is open to legally constituted national and international organisations.
The eligibility criteria are those defined in the current ECOWAS Procurement Code.
We draw the attention of interested organisations that they are invited to pay particular attention to the provisions of Article
118 of the revised ECOWAS Procurement Code ("Offences to be avoided by candidates, tenderers and successful tenderers"), which provides information on practices similar to corruption or fraud in the
context of competition or the execution of contracts. They are also invited to familiarise themselves with the specific information on conflicts of interest relating to this assignment under the terms of Article 119 of the revised ECOWAS Procurement Code.
The Lomé Services Pool is now inviting expressions of interest from eligible organisations with proven capabilities in their respective areas of activity.
The Lomé Services Pool will also examine the relevance of the Expressions of Interest in terms of qualifications, skills and experience relevant to the areas of services in question.
The Lomé Services Pool will draw up a shortlist of qualified structures for each area of services covered by this call for expressions of interest, on the basis of the expressions received, to which requests for quotations will be sent, whenever necessary, for the provision of the required services.
National and international organisations already working with Pool Services de Lomé are not exempt from this procedure, but must also submit their expressions of interest.
Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the address below, no later than July 31, 2024at 5:00 PM GMT, by hand delivery or by e-mail, to the following addresses:
Subject: "Expressions of Interest for the constitution of shortlists in the field of ....................................".