Despite its large herd of cattle, Mali remains one of the world's biggest importers of milk and dairy products, with production unable to meet the country's consumption needs. FERLAIT is currently experiencing enormous difficulties in transporting milk to mini-dairies and collection centers, and very often to processing plants. As a result, FERLAIT urgently needs to acquire the right equipment to transport milk from farms to collection points, and from the latter to mini-dairies and processing centers. Hence the design of this project.
FERLAIT is an umbrella organization with strong roots and experience of the milk industry in the Sikasso region, and extensive knowledge of the regional production fabric. This project will enable us to meet the need to acquire infrastructure and equipment for collecting, transporting and preserving local milk, by working with a Malian social enterprise experienced in selling solar agricultural technologies to Malian cooperatives and producers. In addition to importing technologies, the proposal to promote local production of cooling equipment will provide an opportunity to create jobs locally, and thus meet the integration needs of young people in this field, which will also be complemented by the creation of jobs in motorcycle milk collection from more isolated producers. The combination of increased transport of collected milk and the creation of collection points closer to producers will also strengthen their access to the local and regional milk market, since transporting the surplus from collection centers will open up larger consumption basins. These actions will strengthen the current business model at all levels of the value chain.
To promote innovative cow's milk collection and preservation systems for FERLAIT-Sikasso member producers and cooperatives in Mali, through the integration of environmentally-friendly solar technologies.
Specific objectives
Results 1
- Availability of innovative solar technologies for preservation and containers for raw milk collection is improved by the establishment of a reliable supply
Results 2
- Techno-economic entity models for the collection, processing and marketing of local milk are promoted and scaled up
Results 3
- Appropriate cooling and collection equipment and systems are installed and operating in the mini-dairies and collection centers, and the Sikasso FERLAIT is trained in the use of cooling systems
Results 4
- Producer-members of cooperatives in the target communes are made aware of the economic and ecological advantages of solar farming technologies
Results 5
- Young collectors are hired by cooperatives to collect raw milk from producers